Total IT Solutions - offering your business custom, corporate level, IT services and associated services at affordable prices.


The parent of an aquired contracting company, providing services to the oil and gas industry required immiediate access to the data resources of their new aquisition. But prior to the implementation of any IT infrastructure integration between the two companies, the parent sought our services as it required an independent assessment of the IT security state of the Infrastructue of the newly aquired company.

The policies and standards of the new acquisition needed to be assessed and mapped against those of the parent. The scope of the technical infrastructure ranged from LAN based desktop machines to Internet infrastructure and hosts on the Internet. Interconnections to branch offices, client and suppliers of the new acquisition were required to be enumerated and included in the scope of the project.

Due to the nature of project, infrastructure and time constraints meant that it was decided to split the project into two parts to be performed on-site and off-site in parallel. The on-site actions were to include staff interview, documentation review, build standard audit and policies and standards audits. Off-site actions were to perform a vulnerability assessment of Internet connected hosts. Off-site actions involved enumerating the Internet hosts and the Internet platform. Off-site Internet hosts were located in 3rd party hosting and included mail and web servers.

For more information or discuss your requirements contact us.
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