Total IT Solutions - offering your business custom, corporate level, IT services and associated services at affordable prices.


Network - A Private College wanted to provide all staff, tutors and students with a reliable but secure IT services. They wanted to provide each user with his/her own private areas and public areas and email to be accessible from any workstation and provide webmail access for users so they could access email from outside of the college. Further being a educational institute, the college had a strict hierarchy of data access that had to be adhered to. The college wanted to exercise a degree of control without appearing heavy handed. Cabling, Switches, Network bottle necks Backup, Squid.

Some of the key technologies used to achieve the college’s needs included:

(i)   Microsoft Windows 2003 Active Directory & Roaming Profiles
(ii)  Microsoft Exchange 2003
(iii) Group Policy Implementation to control Windows XP Desktops
(iv)  Microsoft Office XP - provide common user office application
(v)   Linux Proxy server implemented with SQUID to provide staff with content filtering and user internet usage        statistics
(vi)  Web Application written to interface with Active Directory thus allowing a designated staff member to deal        with specific user issues ie. forgotten passwords
(vii) Secure Wireless access point to allow users to log onto the network using their laptops.

For more information or discuss your requirements contact us.
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